Flat is a status symbol
Flat is a status symbol

flat is a status symbol

Pieces such as these nod and wink to those in the know they allow the observer to make assumptions about a) my bank balance and b) my taste level. Yes, I love (love!) these pieces, but – full disclosure – they also signify a certain level of status that only adds to their appeal. That moment of pause made me begin to question whether style status symbols had now lost their meaning. Add to that the fact that shopping suddenly became something of a moral conundrum and I was lost. I live on my own, and you can be sure they would spark a lot of joy, but with nobody else to see them and nowhere to wear them, I knew I could prolong the gulp of the ‘add to basket’ commitment for a little while longer. The pieces that I had lusted over with all the devotion of a teenage fan were no less desirable, but appeared to have lost much of their relevance in the moment.

flat is a status symbol

As the doors shut, I also felt an emotional and aesthetic shutting off. They would transform my wardrobe! They would add a frisson of newness to the pieces I already owned! I would wear them to death – promise!Īnd then – boom! – lockdown. I can’t have had enough to do, because last month I spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about a pair of £800 sandals and a bag that costs £2,500.

Flat is a status symbol